Throughout three seasons, we’ve watched the passengers struggle to adapt to their new reality, which has changed their relationships with their families, made them garner often-unwanted attention, and put them in difficult and dangerous situations as their return gave them prophetic visions and thoughts known as “Callings.”  But that’s not all, so before things get rolling again, let’s look back at where the show left us…

What Happened on Flight 828?

After the plane exploded shortly after their return, passengers such as Saanvi (Parveen Kaur) conducted various experiments to figure out what happened on Flight 828. Furthermore, when Saanvi and the other scientist begin conducting tests on the tailfin and the piece of Noah’s Ark they have, they discover them covered in sapphire. However, their experiments lead to significant cracks in the roads with lava pouring out. Upon discovering the connection, Saanvi steals the ark fragment from Eureka and throws it into the crack, which resolves the issue for the time being.  When Eureka continues the experiments, Cal (Jack Messina) is drawn to Eureka by his Callings and runs into the chamber as they are conducting a dark lightning experiment on the tailfin and vanishes.  In an attempt to bring Cal back, Ben and Saanvi led a U.S. Coast Guard vessel out into the ocean to drop the tailfin. However, a violent storm starts, and as the captain gets ready to turn back around, Saanvi releases the tailfin, only to get toppled by it and pushed into the ocean. When Ben dives in to save her, they both get sucked into a Calling where they see Cal on the plane, who says, “This is the way it has to be.” In the final moments of the season three finale, Captain Daly (Frank Deal), who disappeared during the first season after flying into another dark lightning storm, returns to the pilot’s seat of the damaged plane before he and the entire plane suddenly disappear again.

The Callings and Death Dates

Upon the passengers’ return in season one, it was initially believed only Flight 828 passengers received Callings, but Zeke Landon (Matt Long) got them after he was frozen in a cave during a storm and experienced a time jump. Similarly, Grace (Athena Karkanis) received them while pregnant with Eden. In season two, when Zeke almost dies of frostbite, it’s discovered the closer they get to their death date, they begin experiencing symptoms of their original deaths. However, it’s also discovered you can avoid your death date if you follow the Callings as Zeke did with his, by saving Cal when he fell into a frozen lake. If you fail to follow, the universe will come to collect what it’s owed as it did with Jace (James McMenamin), Pete (Devin Harjes), and Kory (DazMann Still), who discovered that they were all tied together when Jace failed his last trial, and it lead to all three men’s death. Their deaths cause the Stones to realize that all 828 passengers will be tried together, and therefore, they must figure out a way to get all passengers to follow the Callings to avoid their own death date.

Angelina: A New Deadly Arrival

After Zeke is saved from his death date, Michaela (Melissa Roxburgh) and Zeke go on their honeymoon. Michaela gets a Calling leading her to a fellow passenger, Angelina (Holly Taylor), whose parents have locked her in a room because they deemed her Callings to be communication with the devil. Because of this Michaela and Zeke decide to bring Angelina home with them. Throughout season three, Angelina tries to find a new path away from the abuse she received from her parents in the name of religion. However, because she has grown up under her parents, she shares similar ideologies to them, leading to her getting very attached to Ben and Grace’s daughter, Eden, calling her “guardian angel”. After she misinterprets the words of former 828 cult leader Adrian (Jared Grimes). She accidentally starts a fire in the house and waits for Eden to save her from it, leading to Grace kicking Angelina out of the house. When Cal allows her to stay in his room, Angelina ends up fatally stabbing Grace and fleeing with Eden.  Ben and Saanvi embark on a mission to get rid of the tailfin and Michaela hands in her badge as anti-828 sentiment rises and to protect Saanvi, who accidentally killed the Major. A 17-year-old Cal returns to be with his dying mother saying, “It’s OK…. I know what we need to do now.” And that’s presumably where Manifest season 4 will pick up on Netflix. Manifest season 4 part 1 premieres on Nov. 4.