According to Twitch insider Rod Breslau, AOC’s debut stream is now “the third highest individual stream by viewership in Twitch history,” peaking at 439,000 viewers. AOC bagged more viewers than Twitch’s most popular categories, including Just Chatting, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and League of Legends on Tuesday night. As Breslau points out, the stream will go down as one of the biggest moments in Twitch streaming history along with Ninja and Drake’s Fortnite session and Shroud’s return from Mixer. And if you’re wondering how AOC’s very first round of Among Us went, well, see for yourself: AOC launched her new Twitch channel on Oct. 19 as a platform to “help folks make a voting plan at” and encourage viewers to vote ahead of the U.S. election on Nov. 3. As of this writing, AOC has already gained 418,000 followers since launching her channel, more than Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’ channels combined. Her overnight success on Twitch shouldn’t come as much of a surprise if you’ve been following the Congresswoman’s rise on Twitter where she enjoys a following of over 9 million users. Twitch is just the latest example of AOC’s particular talent for reaching younger audiences through social media, a gift that has made her one of the most influential voices in American politics in recent history. As you’d expect, Twitter had a lot of say about AOC’s Twitch debut: Among Us was a logical choice for AOC’s first stream since one of the main gameplay elements revolves around voting out enemy players. For those unfamiliar with how the party title works, Among Us is a deductive reasoning game where players (or “crewmates”) try to suss out the “impostors” in their group. While players complete minigames and tasks around a level, the impostors try to sabotage these efforts and kill crewmates. AOC has yet to announce plans for follow up streams, but we’ll keep you updated as we learn more.